Check it out! A CBS 60 Minutes video clip with Godzilla, The Brooklyn Bridge and an American Crane product!

This past Sunday night, September 25, 2011, 60 Minutes News Show featured a story entitled “Fighting terrorism in New York City”. Included in the story’s video footage (11:08 min into video segment) were two of four American Crane’s Bridge Traveler Cranes, located on the underside of the Brooklyn Bridge. These Bridge Travelers were designed, manufactured and tested by American Crane and Equipment Corporation between 2007 and 2009, when the scope of the work on the four cranes took place.

American Crane’s Bridge Travelers are movable platforms that are designed to allow safe access to the underside of bridges for inspection and maintenance purposes. We offer both self propelled gas and diesel versions as well as electric powered. Our designs are custom for each different bridge application. A standard design feature is proven anti-skewing and control technology to assure smooth operation. Custom capabilities include multi-directional articulation of the platform as well as personnel lifts to access additional areas under the roadway.

American Crane Travelers are also located on the Queensborough, Mid-Hudson and Thousand Island bridges in New York, the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in Washington State and the Mackinac Bridge in Michigan. The Mackinac Bridge included eight of the most sophisticated Travelers in the Western Hemisphere, featuring telescopic platform extensions.

For more information on our Bridge Traveler Cranes, click here. To view all our products and services visit our homepage, call us at 1-877-877-6778 or email us at

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