Category Archive: News and Events Post

Leader in Nuclear Material Handling Equipment

American Crane can provide cranes for the next generation of nuclear power plants. In addition, American Crane’s conceptual design for single failure proof cranes currently provides for up to 350 tons capacity with the ability to meet requirements for design and manufacture of higher capacities through 1,000 tons.

As a supplier to the nuclear industry, American Crane has maintained a Quality Assurance Program since 1996 that meets both 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, and ASME NQA-1 standards. Its quality program has been audited by commercial nuclear utilities, NUPIC, and DOE contractors.

American Crane has extensive experience with nuclear power requirements and has demonstrated its ability to meet customers’ specifications and schedules. By successfully providing the majority of single failure proof crane upgrades for dry spent fuel storage in the United States, American Crane is ready to supply cranes for the next generation of nuclear power plants.

Click here to learn more about American Crane’s Nuclear Industry Products

View Brochure

Contact us via email or call 1-877-877-6778 x224 for more information.


American Crane & Equipment can now provide its customers with a wider variety of stocked CM brand Parts and Equipment. This stock addition will enable us to supply our customers with same day shipment on many of our CM products. Our commitment to quality products, excellent customer service, and attractive pricing continues to set us apart. CM Parts and Equipment are available for purchase at our online store or by contacting our parts department at

James C. McKeon
Customer Service/Parts/Standard Cranes
American Crane & Equipment Corp.
531 Old Swede Road
Douglassville, Pa 19518
Phone (610) 385-6061 X309
Fax (610) 385-4876


American Crane and Equipment Corporation will participate in “A NEW APPROACH TO MANAGING YOUR TEAM” Seminar which will be held Friday, October 22 from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM. The seminar will be held at Penn State Great Valley in Malvern, PA

This seminar will discuss innovative ways to promote creative diversity among work groups in an effort to find solutions to everyday issues. A representative from American Crane will contribute to this forum which is sponsored by Penn State Great Valley and the Chester County Economic Development Council. For more information or to register call (410-458-5700).

National Geographic Channel – World’s Toughest Fixes: Nuclear Turbine Episode

Check out World’s Toughest Fixes: Nuclear Turbine Episode to view the replacing of a steam turbine in a nuclear power plant to boost its energy-producing capacity. This video features a crane upgraded by American Crane and Equipment Corp with State of The Art controls to allow for the precision lifts required to do the repair job.

ACL Model Air Chain Hoist Replacement Options

Yale has discontinued the ACL model air chain hoist. As a distributor for all Columbus McKinnon products, American Crane & Equipment is able to offer suitable replacements for the ACL. Yale continues to build quality air chain hoists with two models available today. For lighter applications check out the YAL model at the link below. This hoist is also available with pull cord control and up to 1 ton capacity.


The Yale KALC model air chain hoist is available with a capacity up to 3 tons and is available with many options. Click on the link below for more information.



Another option is the CM AirStar hoist with a capacity of up to 1 ton and pull cord control. Click the link below for more information.



These are just some of the many options available to you from American Crane & Equipment. See my contact information below for further assistance.


James C. McKeon

Customer Service/Parts/Standard Cranes


American Crane & Equipment Corp.

531 Old Swede Road

Douglassville, Pa 19518

Phone (610) 385-6061 X309

Fax (610) 385-4876




From August 27th to September 15th, 2010 American Crane sponsored a Stuff the Bus campaign to help provide underprivileged children in Berks and Delaware Counties with school supplies for the 2010-2011 school years. Pencils, paper, erasers, glue, rulers, post-its, crayons, and hand sanitizers were among the supplies collected. The children of Berks and Delaware Counties thank you and so do we!


American Crane’s President Visits The White House

On July 7, 2010, President Obama announced the appointment of a number of top executives to the President’s Export Council; a group of government officials and private sector executives who provide advice on trade policy. Many of America’s business and labor leaders were in attendance to hear the Export Council speech in the East Room of The White House, including American Crane and Equipment’s President, Oddvar Norheim.
The main purpose of this council is to generate more United States exports, thus resulting in creating job growth. To help achieve this goal, small and medium sized businesses will receive increased access to export financing. In addition, American businesses will have free and fair access to new trade markets, as well as markets where trade has been inaccessible due to restrictive barriers. This team effort will help businesses unlock their energy and innovation, grow their markets, and create new positions to sell their goods and services globally.


President Obama giving his speech.



On right American Crane’s President
Oddvar Norheim at the White House.

QUICK SHIPMENT on select CM Air Hoist units up to 1 ton capacity

American Crane can ship CM ShopAir Chain Hoists, CM Airstar Chain Hoists & CM Airstar 6 Air Hoists with capacity 1 ton or less within 20 business days from the receipt of order. Orders must be placed by 9/30/10.
Online Ordering Available – Click on product:  CM ShopAir Chain Hoists, CM Airstar Chain Hoists & CM Airstar 6 Air Hoists
Call us at 1-877-877-6778 x309 or email us at

American Crane & Equipment Corp launches online ordering – 3/01/2010

Douglassville, PA – American Crane and Equipment Corporation, a manufacturer of overhead electric cranes and hoist, has launched, a new online catalogue featuring comprehensive online parts and standard equipment including Yale, Shaw-Box, Budgit, Little Mule, CM, Chester Hoist, Coffing Hoist, Harrington, Munck, and more.

Users can find manuals, drawings and other related material. American Crane is committed to providing a convenient way to search and purchase parts and components for material handling equipment while still supplying the engineering support and expertise to select the right product.

American Crane & Equipment Corporation is located in Douglassville, Pennsylvania near Philadelphia. American Crane is a custom crane supplier specializing in engineered products for aerospace, commercial nuclear, DOE nuclear, automated systems, and is known for tackling unique “critical lift” applications. American Crane performs repairs, inspections, retrofits, and on-site maintenance as well as the sale of spare parts and standard equipment. From complex custom equipment to standard equipment, components and parts, American Crane can meet all your material handling needs.

American Crane & Equipment Corporation adds standardized Low Headroom Built Up Hoisting Machinery meeting Class D and E requirements to product line – 12/28/2008

Douglassville, PA – 12/29/08, American Crane and Equipment Corporation, a manufacturer of overhead electric cranes and hoist, has expanded its current product line to include a standardized industrial hoist machinery meeting Class D and E requirements. All equipment is designed per CMAA Specification #70 Revised 2004. Certification is available upon request.

The Built Up Hoist is available in capacities up to 300 Tons and is designed for high speed and heavy duty service. The hoist features the following: quality components, Magnetek (Electromotive) AFD Controls, hardened steel wheels, helical travel drive gearing, forged steel hook, hardened steel sheaves, and double grooved drum for true vertical lift. Optional features include hardened drum grooves, power circuit paddle limit, redundant holding brake, redundant drum brake, overload limiter and full quality assurance documentation.

American Crane & Equipment Corporation is located in Douglassville, Pennsylvania near Philadelphia. American Crane is a custom crane supplier specializing in engineered products for aerospace, commercial nuclear, DOE nuclear, automated systems, and is known for tackling unique “critical lift” applications. American Crane performs repairs, inspections, retrofits, and on-site maintenance as well as supplying spare parts for its own cranes and other manufacturers.