Category Archive: News and Events Post

Built Up Hoisting Machinery

Looking for quality Open Deck Machinery? Need to provide better crane features for your customers? Let us supply your OEM facility with standardized industrial trolley hoists meeting Class D and E requirements. We’ll prepare and supply the engineering drawings customized to your needs. Your manufacturing facility handles the bridge fabrication, assembly and installation. Equipment designed per CMAA Specification #70 Revised 2004. Certification available upon request.
For more information click on these links:
OR call us direct at 1-877-877-6778 or email at

Quality Assurance Programs

Did you know that American Crane offers three levels of Q.A. programs?

Nuclear Quality Program

American Crane’s Nuclear Quality Program (QAM-96) and implementing procedures address the full 18 point nuclear criteria. This program has been used to provide safety related, single failure proof cranes and trolleys, and other specialized lift equipment to numerous nuclear power plants. This program has been used to supply equipment for aerospace and government applications.

Augmented Quality Program

American Crane offers customized quality programs that provide customer specific quality solutions.

Standard Commercial Quality Program

We also offer a commercial quality program that implements the key quality controls that meet the requirements for most industrial applications.

To visit our Quality Assurance Programs page click here OR for more information contact us via email at or call us direct at 1-877-877-6778.


Trust American Crane’s experience on your new Turbine Building Maintenance Cranes

When considering procuring equipment for a new fossil plant, selecting the crane to service the turbine is a critical investment decision. The crane must be reliable to preclude breakdowns during outages and to avoid unanticipated maintenance needs that result in costly plant shutdowns. American Crane has considerable experience in providing new turbine building maintenance cranes over the last several years.





To view our Turbine Cranes page click here

For more information contact us via email at
or call us direct at 1-877-877-6778

Custom Fabricated Components

Do you have a need for a custom fabrication or part that you either do not have time or expertise to design? American Crane’s highly qualified engineering department can design innovative solutions that can be translated into drawings and manufactured fabrications and parts.

American Crane has been required over the years to create unique design and manufacturing solutions to support our custom crane manufacturing program.This same expertise can be used to design and manufacture almost any welded fabrication or part that can be imagined.

Cask Lift Beam
Custom Fabricated Component
Plasma & Oxy-fuel cutting Machine

To view our Custom Fabricated Components page click here OR
contact us for more information at 1-877-877-6778 or via email at

Field Service for all Cranes, Hoists and Runways

American Crane and Equipment Corporation (ACECO) can support all your field service needs. Our highly skilled field technicians and engineering support teams provide you with quality workmanship and extensive experience. With our first rate manufacturing facility, we are able to quickly produce and refurbish cranes, hoists, spare parts and components.

For more information contact us via email at
or call us direct at 1-877-877-6778.

To visit our website click here
To visit our Field Service page click here

Material Handling Enhancements

Recommended material handling enhancements to increase safety and efficiency of equipment.

You can increase your equipment’s safety, reliability, and lifespan while decreasing maintenance just by adding a few enhancements such as Push Button Stations, Radio Controls, Soft Start, Adjustable Frequency Drives (Inverters), and Festoon Systems along with OSHA Compliance Inspections and Repairs. The upgrades can help to keep your equipment running smoothly and in OSHA Compliance.

For more information contact us via email at
or call us direct at 1-877-877-6778

To visit our website click here
To visit our OSHA Compliance Inspections page click here
To visit our Material Handling Components click here

Proof Load Testing

American Crane & Equipment Corporation has extensive capabilities and experience in providing certified proof load testing services of overhead cranes, jibs, gantries, monorails and hoists, as well as below the hook equipment. We are capable of in-house load testing of equipment up to 200 tons utilizing our dedicated test tower, or providing certified test weights for on-site load testing of new, reinstalled, altered, repaired or modified equipment in order to comply with OSHA and ASME/ANSI safety regulations.

Proof load testing is performed to meet ASME B30.20, B30.10, and B30.16 as well as ANSI N14.6. American Crane can also provide engineering and manufacturing support to provide lift fixtures for testing purposes.
Prior to the load test, an inspection is performed to make certain that the equipment is safe to handle the load. After the inspection and load testing have been successfully completed, a certificate is issued to retain with maintenance records. Systems that do not pass the inspection or load test will be required to correct the deficiency (s) before the equipment is placed in service to insure the safety of plant employees and equipment.

Water Weights

If solid weights are impractical for on-site testing, American Crane can arrange for proof load testing employing water weight bladders. Using water weights allows flexibility where traditional solid weights are not feasible. A gradual increase in the load allows for potential problems to be identified prior to attaining the maximum load, making water weights the preferred solution in critical areas.
A broad range of water filled load bags are available. Several bags can be combined to allow flexibility in attaining the exact weight required. In addition, certain load testing situations such as light floor loading, inaccessibility to large solid weights and space restrictions are only possible with water weights.
Water weight bags are a small percentage of their capacity load, allowing for significant savings in transportation and rigging equipment. A certified flow meter or a load cell provides exact measurement of weights applied to the equipment.

For more information on load testing click here or below the hook click here

OR contact us at


We are exhibiting in the Greater Philadelphia Building & Maintenance Show on Wednesday, November 10th and Thursday, November 11th. The show will be held at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, PA. Show hours are from 10 AM to 3 PM on Wednesday and 10 AM until 2 PM on Thursday. Come visit us at Booth #317. For more information click here


We will also be exhibiting in the ANS Winter Meeting and Nuclear Technology Expo located in Las Vegas, Nevada. We will be at Booth #206 on Sunday, November 7th from 6 PM to 7:30 PM, Monday, November 8th 11:30 AM to 6 PM and Tuesday, November 9th from 10 AM to 2:00 PM. For more informationclick here


American Crane Proudly Supplies Schramm Inc., Manufacturer of the Drilling Rig Used to Free Chilean Miners

Schramm Inc. of West Chester, PA, helped rescue the trapped Chilean miners by supplying the drilling rig that blasted through more than 2,000 feet of rock. American Crane is proud to be a supplier for Schramm providing cranes for their PA facility. We commend their efforts in assisting in the rescue mission.

Visit Schramm’s website click here

To read more about Schramm’s involvement in the Chile Rescue click here